The latest news from Shortgrass Library System.

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Shortgrass Clippings

Volume XXXII, Issue III - September 2024

What's new at HQ?

Welcome to our September 2024 edition of Shortgrass Clippings! Read on to hear about what Shortgrass staff & libraries have been up to this quarter.

Shortgrass Office Building

Upcoming Events

September 16: Library Managers Meeting, at the Irvine Community Library's new building.
September 18: SLS Board Meeting, at the Irvine Community Library's new building.


September 30: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation - Shortgrass office closed. Missed deliveries will be made up on the following business day.


October 14: Thanksgiving - Shortgrass office closed. Missed deliveries will be made up on the following business day.


October 16: SLS Board Meeting
November 11: Remembrance Day - Shortgrass office closed. Missed deliveries will be made up on the following business day.
November 18: Library Managers Meeting
November 20: SLS Board Meeting


November 27: Shortgrass Christmas Dinner & Social


December 24: Last day Shortgrass office is open until 2025.


Advocacy Materials

Shortgrass has a new Advocacy section of our website, full of resources for member libraries and their boards to make use of. Materials include:
  • Recruiting and Selecting Board Members
  • Presenting Your Library Budget to Council
  • Reserve Funds
  • and much more!
Check out these resources for all your advocacy needs!
Screenshot of Shortgrass 'Services for Libraries' menu

Digital Resource Spotlight: CELA

CELA logo

The Centre for Equitable Library Access is an accessible library service, providing books and other materials to Canadians with print disabilities. Eligible patrons can download material in a variety of file formats such as DAISY, PDF, and e-text.


Shortgrass patrons with ‘talking book’ status on their library account can register for CELA using their library card number.
Pro tip: promote this service to your community by coordinating with doctors and optometrist offices to leave brochures in their waiting rooms. The "Getting Started with CELA and NNELS" brochure is even available in Large Print!
Learn more here!

CEO Update

Photo of Petra

Petra Mauerhoff, CEO


You know fall has arrived when the Shortgrass Library Managers as well as the Shortgrass Library Board meeting are held at their "away" locations! This September, both meetings are taking place in the meeting room at the beautiful new Irvine Community Library. 

This library is such a great testament to the commitment to public libraries by Cypress Council and other funding partners. And the accessible playground makes it even more special!


September is also the time when we are saying farewell to our Client Services Librarian, Kait. Kait has been with Shortgrass since January 2021 and has become a familiar face in our member libraries. During her tenure at Shortgrass, she provided great programming support, advocacy and various templates for training materials and social media posts, and so many other library support services to member libraries. She will be missed.
Shortgrass purchased a new delivery van in August, and we celebrated by launching a design contest to help us decorate the van, open to youth 18 and under around the region. We have received some fantastic submissions and cannot wait to reveal the decals, created by young library patrons throughout the system. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winner and the final "moving art display"!
We are pleased to be partnering with Medicine Hat Public Library, Brooks Public Library, Redcliff Public Library, and Bassano Public Library to host Indigenous YA author Jen Ferguson for an author tour in September. Jen is the author of two award-winning YA books (The Summer of Bitter and Sweet, and Those Pink Mountain Nights), with her third book A Constellation of Minor Bears due to be published September 24th. It's been a while since we hosted an author tour, and we thank Stephanie at MHPL for organizing the logistics around these events!
Finally, I am very excited to announce Shortgrass' new Librarian, Library Development Services (formerly known as the Client Services Librarian position): Sadaf Hakimizadeh. This announcement is particularly exciting, because it has been a very long time since we have been able to have a staff member move from one position in the organization to another. Sadaf started with Shortgrass in January 2024 as a Technical Services Assistant, and as such brings familiarity with our system. Her experience of working in Alberta libraries outside the Shortgrass system provides her with a great background to take on the Librarian position. You can read more about Sadaf in the Library Development Services Update, below.
It's going to be a very busy season in our region!
See you around at your local library!

Library Development Services Update

Kait McClary, Client Services Librarian

Summer 2024

It was a fantastic summer in the Shortgrass Library System!
Shortgrass' summer student Irelyn and I visited 11 libraries this year, leading a very fun (and very messy!) science program. We learned how to make colour-changing slime (and how to say "thermochromatic"); we made our own bubbles and attempted to make a cube-shaped bubble; and finished off learning the science behind coke and mentos geysers!
We also saw the return of magician Christopher Cool, for our children's summer performer tour. Christopher Cool visited all fourteen libraries throughout the summer, with more than 900 kids attending!
Coke and mentos geyser
Overhead shot of a cube-shaped bubble
Kids enjoy a magic show

Materials for Magic Tricks kit

New Programming Kit

We have a new programming kit, available for booking as of this week! Email to request this kit.


Magic Tricks: Explore the secrets of magic with this fun kit, containing everything you need to perform hundreds of tricks! Pull a rabbit out of a hat, make a coin disappear, try out “was this your card”, and more! This kit is perfect as a drop-in passive program, or a small-group program! 


View all programming kits here


As most of you are aware, my last day with Shortgrass will be Friday, September 13th, 2024. This will be my last edition of Shortgrass Clippings, and my last chance to say goodbye to you all!
I've had a fantastic 3.5 years with Shortgrass, leading meaningful projects such as Code Red, and coordinating exciting events like our summer performer tours and system-wide PD Days. I've loved visiting with you all and running crazy science programs at your libraries. I've enjoyed working with you all and will miss Shortgrass greatly!
Photo of Kait

Hello everyone!

I’m thrilled to share that I will be stepping into a new role at Shortgrass as the Librarian, Library
Development Services. This transition is both exciting and humbling for me, and I am deeply honoured
to have the opportunity to work more closely with you all.

While it will be a challenge to fill the shoes of our remarkable Kait, whose contributions have been truly
inspiring, I’m eager to embrace this new role and contribute to our shared goals. I am confident that I
will learn and grow alongside all of you. I look forward to continuing our collaboration and supporting
each of you as we continue to advance our library services together.
Photo of Sadaf

New Position Title!

You may notice that this section of the newsletter has a new name! We are changing the job title of the Client Services Librarian to Librarian, Library Development Services. We feel this better captures what this role is all about- helping your libraries develop and explore new programs, services, and ideas!

Systems and Technical Services Update

Lauralee Gilmour, Manager, Systems and Technical Services

Library 2 U

L2U (Library 2 U) is a free "library materials by mail" service offered to patrons who face physical or geographic barriers to reaching their local library - for example, this is a great option for rural residents who live far from the closest library. The service is run by Marigold Library System, but as Shortgrass participates in this program, Shortgrass patrons are eligible to use it as well.
Books stacked, spine-up
How it works:
  • Shortgrass patrons can sign up directly with L2U on the Marigold website:
  • Marigold's page is also linked to from Shortgrass member library websites (in the menu this is often found under Books & More > Library 2 U).
  • Patrons who sign up are mailed a paper catalogue twice a year (spring/summer and fall/winter), with over 175 titles to choose from. They can place requests by mail, phone, or email.
  • Here is the current catalogue - note that the e-resources mentioned on the second page are Marigold-specific (not accessible by Shortgrass patrons, but our patrons can access our own e-resources instead).
  • Patrons receive books with a return mailing label.
  • There is no cost to the patron.
A Marigold staff person will be a guest presenter at an upcoming Shortgrass library managers' meeting to talk about this service and answer any questions!

What's New at Shortgrass Member Libraries?

Five Fun Facts about Foremost Municipal Library's manager, Joan Beutler

Joan's cat and dog lying on the floor
1. I have 3 amazing sons, 2 gifts-from-God daughters-in-law, 5 wild and wonderful grandsons, and 1 sassy and sweet granddaughter.

2. I live with a smallish dog and a biggish cat. (Pictured to the left!)

3. I am a serious gamer: Xbox every night with friends. Don't really watch much TV.
4. I have my RCM level 10 in piano. I taught lessons for 16 years, and now play in our church band and for my own peace of mind.
5. I'm a farm girl and learned to drive a standard when I was 7 and shoot a gun about the same age, but didn't drive a tractor til I was 12.
Joan Beutler is the manager of the Foremost Municipal Library.

A Busy Summer at MHPL!

It has been a busy summer for Medicine Hat Public Library, who once again partnered with Community Coming Together to offer a variety of programming in July, including a Slumberkins week, Superhero Training and Yard & Indigenous Games. 

Also in July, members of the MHPL TIC TAC (Teens Initiating Change Together and Committed) group marched in the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede Parade.
Teens walk in the parade next to the decorated float
Children and adults play together
Person dressed as the Hulk stands in front of superhero banner
Two people play giant connect four

Summer Fun at Irvine Community Library!

Irvine Community Library spent their first Summer Reading Program at their new library!
Check out some pictures of the community enjoying the beautiful new space, including the Christopher Cool magic show, exciting children's programs, and the Irvine Parade!
People sit on a parade float
Children watch a magic show
Children and adults holding parade sign
Children and adults sit in a circle outside

Larry Dye the Science Guy visits member libraries!

Larry Dye the Science Guy (who you may also know as one of our drivers!) visited several libraries this summer to put on his Space Race Show! One library described the show as "educational, hilarious, and very energetic"- definitely a huge hit!


Check out these pictures of the show in action!


Larry Dye at Irvine Library
Larry Dye at Bassano Library

In Library News...

When Librarians Travel...

... we visit libraries!
Lauralee, our Manager, Systems & Technical Services, recently visited Iceland, and of course she had to check out the local library in Egilsstaðir. Take a peek at their children's section!
Icelandic children's books
Tent and colourful carpet in the children's section of Icelandic library

Professional Development & Training

Librarian holds books

The New Basics of Professional Customer Service

Join Andrew Sanderbeck for this interactive and informative program exploring two critical customer service competencies:
1. Professional customer service expectations from the eyes of the customer and;
2. A road map to creating new internal professional customer service expectations for your organization
Attend live on October 9th, 2024, 12pm - 1pm


Book with centre pages folded into a heart

Help Readers Find Romantasy

What do you get when you mix equal parts romance and fantasy? Romantasy: An enchanting new subgenre!
Check out this blog post to learn more about helping your patrons find romantasy reads.

The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness

Until December 2024, Shortgrass Library System is providing member libraries with The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness. This is an empathy-based training program aimed at providing frontline library staff with the tools to help them manage problem situations.


Consisting of a three-hour Core Training session and 30+ additional one-hour modules, this training is available to all member library staff/volunteers.


Register to dive into issues such as dealing with unsupervised children and teenagers; handling sensitive subjects such as body odour; de-escalating fights before they happen; and more.


To access the training, please get in touch with Kait. This training is available until mid-December, 2024.

Cover of Librarian's Guide to Homelessness

Zoom logo

Don't forget that our virtual meeting software, Zoom, is available to all Shortgrass member libraries.


Please contact Lauralee if you would like to book Zoom to host your next virtual program or Library Board Meeting.

Share Your Stories!

Anything new to share? Send us your photos, stories, and updates!

  • Screenshots of a popular online event
  • Photos of what's going on at your library- displays, programs, renovations, weeding projects
  • News about your library

Submit updates to

Shortgrass Library System

Resourceful by Nature


2375 10th Ave SW, Medicine Hat, AB T1A 8G2


Tel. (403) 529-0550 – Toll Free Number 1-866-529-0550


Shortgrass Library System honours and acknowledges that we are situated on Treaty 7 and Treaty 4 territory, traditional lands of the Siksika, Kainai, Piikani, Stoney-Nakoda, and Tsuut’ina as well as the Cree, Sioux, and the Saulteaux bands of the Ojibwa peoples. We also acknowledge and honour that we are on the homelands of the Metis people.

My company logo